Friday, March 2, 2012


Hey. Its a Friday, which is not my usual post day, because this is not an actual science post, so there is a different type of tag as well.

In case you are wondering about the title as well, I'm here to clear everything up. Well you see, I started wondering about what to post during months of the school holidays as there well be less school work to report about, also, all the months that have school holidays have 5 Saturdays, so that will mean the post schedule will be rather irregular.

I thought about doing something special, so I came up with the idea of doing something similar to "Shark Week" that Discovery Channel has. Then, the idea of doing something about the various adaptations that animals have developed over the years struck me. ANIMAL ADAPTATIONS MONTH was thus born. I plan on continuing this for June and September.
I took a very long time designing this graphic, but it was very worth it, because I think it tuned out very well. :)

And for the whole of March, that is what you will be getting:

On 3rd March - Born with the extra something
On 10th March - Built for Attraction
On 17th March - Built for Camouflage
On 24th March - Built for Speed
On 31st March - Built for the kill

Stay tuned for this awesome month with 5 entries.

There will also be tags for all these special posts. The tag used will be SR which stands for special report and will not only be used for Animal Adaptations Month, but also for the June and September Special.

There will also be a special tag for Animal Adaptations Month alone, and it will be called AA.

As you can see, there is a 4-part mini series with a title "Built for...", they too will have a tag, and the tag will BF.

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