Saturday, March 24, 2012

[SR] Built for Speed

This is the third article in the 4-part mini series, "Built for...", to access the other 3 articles click on the links above this.

Out of millions of animals, 3 are selected based on their outstanding ability to run, swim or fly in a world of speed that we humans are unfamiliar with, speeds that require the use of slow motion cameras to capture them in all their glory. This is Built for Speed.

Peregrine Falcon

Now this may be the fastest animal on the planet, but it ranks third. Why you ask? Because it gets so much of an advantage. It is only able to reach the speed of 325km/h when it is diving from the air. Repeat: ONLY WHEN IT IS DIVING FROM THE AIR. Anyone could do that if we were to dive from the air as well, but perhaps only once....
In fact, when it is in level flight, it can only fly at about 88km/h. And even though it is still an amazing feat, it is nothing that makes you go "OMG". In fact, the Mantis Shrimp's punch is just as fast as that.
But here are some videos of it. 

The falcon has special adaptations in its nostrils which allow it to breathe at such tremendous speed. Each nostril contains a rod and two fins behind it. As air rushes past the nostrils, the flow is broken up and slowed by the rods and fins which enable the falcon to breathe normally without being overwhelmed by the force at which air enters its nostrils. Moreover, the eyes of the peregrine falcon are designed so that the falcon has a clear view of its prey throughout the dive. Each eye is equipped with an nictitating membrane which protects it from dust and other debris in the air and an additional secretory gland to prevent drying up of the cornea. The dark markings around its eyes also reduce glare, improving visual contrast. The animal is also incredibly streamlined. Its also small and light to improve its speed.

Don't get me wrong, these birds are incredible and majestic creatures and are just simply beautiful, and man can only envy its gift of flight, but it just does not cut it to beat the next on our list.


The Cheetah is the world's fastest land animal and lands itself second on our list. It can run at speeds of up to 120km/h, but not for long, tiring out after 500m. It has the ability to accelerate from 0 to 100km/h in just 3 seconds. 
Virtually every part of its body is adapted in some way to help it run faster. Special paw pads and semi-retractable claws provide great traction. Large nostrils and  lungs provide quick air intake; a large liver, heart and adrenals also facilitate a rapid physical response. A long, fluid, greyhound-like body is streamlined over light bones. Small collarbones and vertical shoulder blades help lengthen the stride. The tail acts as a rudder for quick turning as well.
Just a video of the cheetah showing off its speed, but there's a anticlimax at the end. :(

Here are some awesome photos of the cheetah:



This is the animal that wins this little competition. Why? Because it can swim at 110km/h. Underwater. That is unbelievable. It swims so quickly in the environment that has the most resistance and friction. But how?
Well first of all, it probably has the most streamlined shape of all of today's 3 animals. And you probably may notice its very sharp beak, well like jet planes, they possess these because it cuts through the water and makes the sailfish move extremely quickly. 

Their sails which attract hoards of their prey, which are fish, will retract when they swim so as to minimise friction as the sailfish swims through the water at top speed. 


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