Friday, May 25, 2012

[TR] Term 2 Reflections

Sigh... Well this term was rather sad. My results dropped a lot. :( I got 33/44 for the term test.

Everyone experienced a result drop because the test apparently was really hard. But I think I experienced one of the worse results drop among the whole class. 10 marks!! Thats a lot of marks. In fact almost 20%. How I will get exempted for Science this year. You need to get A1s for all your tests. I got an A2, 73% actually. I just hope I can make it up with Term 3's test. 

I think complacency is really what got me this term. I thought I could still make some magic with what I did with Term 1, as I just studied the night before the test for Term 1 and still got my A1. I saw myself not paying attention during science lessons, sometimes just doodling pictures of test tubes or other random things, I thought I could pull off the same thing for term 2 as I did for term 1. When revising for the Term 2 test. I saw myself having to spot questions and topics because I saw myself not understanding many concepts and topics for chemistry.

I mentioned in term 1, that I saw myself not paying attention during science classes and wanted to change that, turns out i did not. 

I hope that I will learn my lesson in term 3. I will work hard to get back my 42/45.

I guess I have to work really hard for the End of Year Exams since I probably won't be able to get my exemption.

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