Friday, August 31, 2012

[TR] Term 3 Reflections

YAY! I feel just like how I felt when I got back my term 1 results. Only this time, I'm even happier because I topped the class. I got 43/45 for the test.
I'm so happy because in term 2 I said that I wanted to get back 42/45 again for term 3's test. And it turns  out, not only did I manage to meet that goal, I managed to surpass it!

The even better news? I heard that you no longer need A1s for all term tests for exemption in Science, all you need is an average above 80. And my average meets that with some room to spare, because of my awesome results in term 1 and term 3. I'm so happy.

I'm quite proud of myself because I said that I would pay a lot more attention in class and that's what I did to achieve this results. But, its not over, I can't be sure that I got exempted until I get the official certificate, but I remain optimistic.

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