Friday, November 9, 2012

[TR] Term 4 reflections

Its the last day of the school and the school holidays have officially begun. Well what a crazy year it has been, firstly what a crazy day it has been. I ate 6 slices of pizza today! 3 from my class's pizza party, and another 3 from my CCA's pizza party. :)
But seriously, what a crazy year it has been. My results went from good to bad then to good again. I'm really happy with my performance this year for Science. With the exception for term 2, I think I really did my best for all 3 terms. And most importantly, I had fun doing it. Having the opportunity to do an experiment a week, is not something every child gets, and I'm really thankful for it.

Even if my pride got the better of me in the middle of the year, I got back on my feet and it got me exempted for the year. It really paid off. And now, after some time deciding on which special program I should choose and whether or not I should take a Special Program in the first place, I think I finally know what it is. SMTP. I have a huge passion for science and discovery. And I can see that SMTP Science will really provide me with that opportunity to learn even more next year. Getting to the use the SRC, as well as engage in research is something I have always dreamed off.

Anyway, this is probably my last post of the year but the first post you see when you click on my blog, so I will make a handy content page. :)

This is the first post you should read

This is where you access all the IRs

This is where you can access al the other TRs

This is where you can access all the Biology posts

This is where you can access all the Chemistry posts

This is where you can access all the Physics posts

This is where you can access all the Geology posts

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